read. laugh. write. repeat.

Archive for April 2010

 I’m talking to you.

Steve Ravenscraft, the illustrator of Spies Inc., can out design any other designer, any day of the week, in any medium.  InDesign, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Flash –  the whole Adobe Creative Suite. What’s that? You’re backing down now?  Well, maybe you should go home and take your baby crayons with you.

Disclaimer: I’m not encouraging any actual physical violence to break out over this blog post.

What I am encouraging is for you to check out his designs at or better yet, take a mini-tour of Spies Inc. at

A friend of mine, a photographer and designer, was looking through Spies Inc. this week and summed up Steve’s design like this: “It’s like you’re looking through a virtual world in a book.”

What we love about Steve is that he is meticulous, a perfectionist if not obsessive, about the end product.

Check this out:  I asked him for a simple spy disguise – glasses or a mustache – so we could disguise photos – and here’s what he gave me.

Need I say more?

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